Tag Archives: crafts

President’s Day Weekend Project


Apparently, the rule is that when you get married and move somewhere relatively close to your parents, they give you all of the boxes that they’ve been storing for you back. Totally understandable, except you realize exactly how much crap you’ve been hanging onto! Anyway, my last box of old stuff is mostly of pictures from college and possibly high school, so my project for the weekend is to go through and pick out which ones to save. I’ve ordered two albums that hold 300 pictures each, but I think I should be able to reduce my high school/college pictures to one album. We’ll see!

Recycled magazine gift bow


I am a pretty solid gift-wrapper, but I don’t usually go outside the box. Wrap neatly, add bow or ribbon, and ta-da! Pretty gift. But today I was feeling a little crafty, so I decided to do something a little different and wrap a gift in recycled magazines.

It looked nice, but it needed a little. . .something.  And you can’t put a store-bought bow on a magazine-wrapped gift!  A quick google search led me to this awesome how-to.  Follow the author’s instructions, and it’s really as easy as described.

Here’s my finished product. Personally, I love the result!