Tag Archives: first-world problems

(Almost) Vegetarian Monday


I love meat. Obviously. Some of my favorite dishes are meatballs, steak, carnitas, and salads with bacon.

By now we all know that consuming meat is not good for the environment, so I try to do my part in balancing out the universe by eating vegetarian meals a few times a week.  On Monday, I inadvertently had an almost meat-free day.

Here’s what I had:

Breakfast – Eggs scrambled with spinach

Lunch – Broccoli Parmesan Fritters from Smitten Kitchen, with apple sauce.  The savoriness of the fritters was perfect with apple sauce.

Dinner – Portobello mushroom sandwiches and macaroni salad. The slice prosciutto on the sandwich could be omitted to make the meal vegetarian, but I really enjoy the hint of salt it brings to the sandwich.

Do you ever deliberately eat vegetarian meals?

Easy everyday updo


I used to spend a ton of time experimenting with my hair in high school. I colored it, wore different updos on a regular basis, and even had a perm for a bit. In college, I highlighted it and played with different colors. Then I started working, and dyed it from Asian orange back to its natural dark brown for the sake of professionalism. Since then, I’ve consistently had shoulder-length hair in my natural color.

Snore, right?  My hair is the longest it’s ever been at the moment, and it’s really hot in L.A. this week, so it’s the perfect time to play with updos.  In high school I had to experiment on my own or get ideas from magazines.  It’s a brave new world out there for high school girls, though, with thousands of instructional hair-related YouTube videos available to them.

I tried this one today, and it was as easy as advertised, and looks so much more interesting than an everyday ponytail.

Pre-vacation purchase – TOMS shoes


A trip to Hong Kong in 2011 for my cousin’s wedding taught me something — people in large, Asian cities do not wear sandals. No matter how all-occasion appropriate they seem in Southern California (and all of California, weather permitting), they are just not appropriate for walking around a congested, dirty, Asian city, no matter how hot it is.  I bought a pair of cheap, Hong Kong flats to wear while I was there, but they were not particularly comfortable.  We leave for Vietnam this week, and I refuse to make the same mistake again!

In L.A., I live in flip-flops and boots for day-to-day wear, and wear tennis shoes for working out.  None of these seem appropriate for traipsing around Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, where it’s going to be 90 degrees and often wet. I just bought a pair of TOMS, and my hope is that these no-socks-required slip-on walking shoes will solve all of my travel problems!

I’ve never really jumped on the TOMS bandwagon (much like the Uggs bandwagon, I’m such a fool), but after taking a look at their website, they’ve convinced me!  For anyone not familiar with their campaign, they donate one pair of shoes to a child in need for each pair purchased. What really gets me, though, is that the founder was inspired by a trip to Argentina in 2006!  Paco and I lived in Buenos Aires, briefly, in 2006, and volunteered at a battered women’s shelter. Many of the children were shoeless, and Paco’s dad generously donated funds so that we could buy them all shoes. The TOMS cause is much closer to my heart than I would have suspected.

If they can get me through this trip without slipping (both of my ankles are currently injured), coming into practically barefoot contact with a rodent (happened in Kowloon), or contaminating my foot with the treacherous surroundings of the dreaded Asian squat toilet (don’t get me started), I will be a satisfied customer!

Desperation chicken


Desperation Chicken is Engagement Chicken’s late night cousin. I had defrosted an entire chicken to make chicken adobo the other night, but I got side-tracked and didn’t feel like making it after all. Last night, I was concerned that the chicken would be out of the freezer too long if I waited any longer to cook it, so I decided to roast it, even though we had other plans for dinner.

Now I have an entire roasted chicken waiting in my fridge. What are your favorite ideas for leftover chicken?